- Why do I assess, list all reasons.
- What tests (authentic assessments), methods of assessments have worked well for me, & why.
- What assessments (authentic assessments )have not worked well, & list reasons.
Please feel free to add anything else you would like to!
Something to keep in mind as we begin to conduct research and collect data!
"The Scientific mind does not so much provide the right answers as ask the right questions."~ Claude Levi-Strauss
One of my favorite classroom assessments are "dialog journals". I have learned so much about my students and their needs in the language through these back and forth discussions. I've used these in elementary settings and in high school. Walkie is using them now in his university Yup'ik class.
* Why do I assess, list all reasons.
I assess to see what the kids already know, what it is they should know and if they know it or not.
* What tests (authentic assessments), methods of assessments have worked well for me, & why.
I have used assessments that the students design and create the rubric for. It seems that those work well in my classroom. The students tend to hold themselves more accountable. I also try to have students part of the assessment process when I use the LKSD analytical scoring guide. We sit down together and talk about the paper and how they felt they scored in each section. So far, the students seems to like being a part of that process and like sitting down with me and go through the process.
* What assessments (authentic assessments )have not worked well, & list reasons.
The assessments that I hate are the ones that ask lower level thinking questions. Other assessments that have not worked well have been assessments that are written at too high a level for the students.
Why do I assess?
I assess mainly for our Summative assessment indicator's for the LKSD phase system. I assess to see if my students have met all the phase requirements.
What test methods of assessments have worked well for me.
My current study in singing...this is a way to see
What assessments have not worked welland list reasons.
Multiple choice, assessments that are very wordy that students are not familiar to.
I assess to see if I'm being effective within the classroom. As a kinder teacher, it's inevitable to assess, constantly... If I had my way, I'd only assess through observations, performance, and oral growth for these little ones, but times are changing, and the tests required by the state for these 5 year olds are required but for the most part are developmentally appropriate and not as standardized. As the Maori's assess their children constantly within their own community and homes, they must have high test reliablity, construct, and validity, thus making it a sound system. It sounds like multiplism in effect.
I use a ton of scoring rubrics. I create some, the students create some of them, some I find from other sources. The more detailed they are the better. A lot of times my student's project end with a presentation or lesson so they have to perform the skill or demonstrate the knowledge. I find these types of authentic assessments work well for me!
Why do I assess? I want to see if the students picked up anything from me and if I was of any influence..I assess to see what they already know, so I can fill in the gaps. I assess to see if the lessons I created were worthwhile..more of a self reflection.
What have worked well for me, I like the standardized paper and pencil especially to check for their vocabulary. One thing that I have begun to use this year is vocabulary cards from the SIOP lessons in the spring so that students begin to say the words and to use them verbally in sentences. They seem to pick up this quickly and are able to show that they understand the vocabulary through reading it aloud and using each in a sentence. What hasn't worked for me is to begin using a research journal, it's hard for me to begin. Once I begin, I hope to get a hang of it.
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