Friday, October 17, 2008

McNamara Chapter 5-Validity:testing the test

Well hey! This is what I spoke to earlier in the semester. There are tests that test tests and the world goes around! It makes sense that tests should be valid especially when creating High Stakes Tests. This is where the goals from the curricula are highlighted and taken into account. There should be a clear focus in the test content, method, and construct since these are the areas that can make or break test validations. If tests are carefully constructed then the rating process can be smoother. However , on the other hand, if tests are questionably created, then is that valid? (that's my display question of this blog).
What I attained from the Bethel trip is that validity is if you are teaching orally, you should test orally. I try not to use validity and reliability together too much, however, they seem to be related in a sense that both are involved in testing. My personal gain from this chapter is to become a more valid teacher, creating valid tests, either in the areas of content, method, and construct. I want to see actual data or evidence of my students, shouldn't that be valid test data? (next display question).
In terms of my colleagues here, I trust they are level headed and aware of testing issues; however if I can choose one aspect of this chapter to share, I would share them the definition of validity and differentiate it with the definition of reliability. Often, like here, people use them interchangeably and fail to see the differences. Thank you for last weekend. It was an a nice get away and the little break this week. It was a good refresher, now I can complete the second half of the semester feeling like I am rested.


Guru Pitka said...

Hi Joanne, I think you are doing a wonderful job of collecting data and seeing where your students are at. Testing is a long process, but it is well worth the time and effort, especially to show your students their growth over time. ;) Reading about validity makes me want to revisit all the questions, (or one or two) from our district skills test and see if they are valid or if I can tell. Alas, time constraints. ;)
Enjoy the walks that I know you are having!!

sarahbass said...

Joanne :)
When I was reading the article, I read and re-read (WHAT?) the darn article. And I kept thinking about the terms of validity and reliability. What I need to do is set them apart and think about them differently.
Your comments made it a little clearer about what this validity term is.