This is exactly how I am beginning to feel in finding this excellent website on Oral Assessment. I was doing a search on Oral Assessment Rubrics, I had one by the way, but I did not want to type it all, I wish I had a scanner. Perhaps, I can fax a copy of it to Marilee and she can post it on blackboard. However, I have found this website in my searches, and I don't feel so lost anymore. I now have an idea of where I want to take my research as I tailor this to fit my research question. Here it is:
: (
Sample Tasks To Elicit Oral Language
20 questions
interview a classmate
interview a community helper
interview a person asking biographical information
do a survey
calendar activities
daily news/current events
book discussion
language experience- retelling
be a "person" and speak to the class
class debate
Sequencing pictures and discussion
show and tell
puddle or math problems
rhymes w/question and answer
adapt jazz chants and songs
share knowledge about exploration and experimentation
book review
Dramatization and Role playing
acting out stories/plays
take a character and act it out
act out your own story
TV show
be a reported and broadcast the news
Oral Rubric:
This is the website I found that I plan on using the Oral Rubric from for 2nd grade.
1 comment:
I'm glad you listed the oral assessments that are useful for you here. It helps with the "variety" and "multimodal" thing.
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