Erben T. (2008). Introduction : CALLing all foreign language teachers. In T. Erben & I. Sarieva (Eds), CALLing all foreign language teachers: Computer-assisted language learning in the classroom. (pp. 1-5). Larchmont, NY: Eyes On Education, Inc.
This chapter introduces the book from the authors’ backgrounds, the history of this book, and outlines the chapters. Prior to this the book introduces the people who helped create this book and their personal journeys into language teaching. A framework of this book coincides with the ACTFL(American Council for the Teaching of Foreign Languages) and the ISTE’s (International Society for Technology in Education, and NETS (National Educational Technology Standards).
It’s interesting to learn about all the resources that technology has to offer and how they can be integrated into language programs and teaching. I am glad to have this book as a resource so that I am better equipped. This book is an excellent resource and it also helps to define and explain some of the technology that is available either online and/or things that can be purchased.
I would use this book as a resource and hope to find some example projects where technology was used. I would use those project ideas when I create my own language learning programs using the available technology.
Erben T., & Zoran, A. (2008). Guiding principles: Second langauge acquisition, instructional technology, and the constructivist framework. In T. Erben & I. Sarieva (Eds), CALLing all foreign language teachers: Computer-assisted language learning in the classroom. (pp. 7-11). Larchmont, NY: Eyes On Education, Inc.
This chapter organized thoughts on why the use of technology would enhance language acquisition and instruction. Based on standard driven school societies, technology is a means of meeting these classroom goals. Technology would also help create critical thinkers and the constructivist view is that students will enhance and build upon their strengths through this process and the use of technology. With the change in society, meeting the literacy and foreign language needs of the 21st century, technology is a means to meet the students at their comfort zone with the needed compressible input and the output they create.
What type of 21st century teacher am I? I ask in reading this chapter. I would like to be more techno literate, especially now that everyone seems to be connected with media everywhere they go. If I had to rate my electronic literacy, I would say about 5 being the midway point from 1 being very ignorant to 10 being very comfortable. I would like to be able to use the available technology in the language programs and motivate the learners. This is in! If you’re not up to date in your technology as the rest of the world, how are you planning to meet the needs of the students?
So my goals for this class are to become familiar with some online programs such as Wikis, Blogs, and other electronic publishing programs that are available. I have had some ideas since I was first introduced to these last week, such as using Wikis for some of my notes taking during staff meetings. Another is using blogs for staff dialogue so that staff does not feel left out in the dark. These are just a couple of ideas. As I read this book and engage in on my classes here, I’m sure I will be enlightened with many more ideas. I do like how this is class is environmentally friendly where I am able to post my assignments and not waste papers by printing and turning in assignments, very electro literate!
Erben T., Ban, R., Jin, L., Summers, R., & Eisenhower, K. (2008). Using technology for foreign language intruction: Creative innovations, research, and applications. In T. Erben, & I. Sarieva (Eds.), CALLing all foreign language teachers: Computer-assisted language learning in the classroom. (pp. 13-31). Larchmont, NY: Eyes On Education, Inc.
This chapter outlines the history of CALL (Computer assisted language learning),talks about how this is student centered, and materials needed, and entails some risks about using technology in language learning. I do like how this chapter is organized. It is always helpful to know the advantages and caveats of any device and tools. It is always a goal of mine to research ways that would motivate and help enhance the critical thinking skills of every student. CALL seems to meet these aspects of students. Some of the rewards of CALL are that it’s challenging, utilizes best practice, and motivates students. Some risks include lack of latest technology, no teacher training, classroom control, and assessment.
More of my technology goals for this class are to become familiar with podcasts. I have not used this technology before, unless it was in a meeting with the district office and our staff. It is available at our site ,but that seems to be the only reason that is being used. How I would like to use this is through connecting my class to another class from another site or district. Some goals for this would be to have students connect to other students, enhance self confidence, and adding this program into their young experiences.
My concerns here are the availability of trained experts. I do think it’s important to learn by experience however, I would like to be able to ask questions as I come across difficulties and I do not want to begin anything unless I can answer and figure out possible problems that may arise from the use of these technologies. It seems that the students would benefit more if the teacher has many of the important points figured out. I would be able to help them and not be stuck trying to figure out the problem with the students.
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