Friday, September 26, 2008

LING 612-Dr. Coles Ritchie

Cloze test!!! Just for fun.

Key Vocabulary:

fixed response format, test item, multiple choice format,

paper-and-pencil language, performance

In terms of method, we can broadly distinguish traditional___________ tests from ___________ tests. Paper-and-pencil tests take form on the familiar examination question paper. They are typically used for the assessment either of separate components of language understanding(listening and reading comprehension). _______in such tests, particulary if they are professionally made standardized tests, will often be in _________ in which a number of possible responses is presented from which the candidate is required to choose. There are several types of fixed response format, or which the most important is _______, as in the following example from a vocabulary test (pp. 5-to check your answers)


languagemcr said...

Very fun idea, Joanne.

Guru Pitka said...

Cloze tests were so much fun in 8th grade. I am trying to remember what we had to do the unscrambling for, but we had a mixed up word that went in the blank and we had to unscramble the word and fill in the blanks. I remember it helped with reading key words in paragraphs.